Minimizing construction impacts on small businesses
Road construction impacts
MnDOT recognizes that as construction projects become larger in size and duration, small businesses are more at risk for difficulties arising from construction impacts. In response, we work with small businesses to understand their concerns and provide them with information, options and resources they may need to weather the potential impacts of roadway construction.
Since 2009 we have conducted research, prepared reports and provided guidance to support MnDOT staff in developing better outreach methods with small businesses. Current areas of interest include best practices in communication and engagement strategies, construction techniques that mitigate noise and project duration, and outreach to business owners from minority communities or those with limited proficiency in English.
This ongoing effort is also in response to a law passed by the Minnesota State Legislature in 2008 (Laws 2008, Chapter 308). The guidance is developed in coordination with other state agencies, counties, cities, chambers of commerce and business owners from across Minnesota. Topics include:
- MnDOT project development process
- Data collection and business outreach
- Best practices and lessons learned
- Challenges
- Recommendations and implementation