Communications careers

Graphic arts specialists provide the design, layout and production management functions for publications, web graphics and other marketing materials to support MnDOT’s internal and external communications.
Jobs in the Graphic Arts series
- Graphic Arts Specialist
Find Graphic Arts series job openings
- Go to
- Click “External Applicants”
- Under “Agency”, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Department”
- Under Job Family, on the left side of the page, click “Printing-Graphic Arts Careers” (if available).
- If “Printing-Graphic Arts Careers” is not an option, use the keyword search to find other opportunities. Keep checking back, our positions change daily!
The Communications series is important for MnDOT’s internal and external communications. In these roles you may be part of a Communications and Engagement Office or Web and Graphics team.
Jobs in the Communications series
- Information Officer 1
- Information Officer 2
- Information Officer 3
Find Communications series job openings
- Go to
- Click “External Applicants”
- Under “Agency”, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Department”
- Under Job Family, on the left side of the page, click “Public Relations-Mrktg Careers” (if available).
- If “Public Relations-Mrktg Careers” is not an option, use the keyword search to find other opportunities. Keep checking back, our positions change daily!
This series focuses on library duties that assist and support the MnDOT library. These positions provide crucial information and technology to MnDOT staff, city and county practitioners, and other members of Minnesota’s transportation community.
Jobs in the Library series
- Library Technician
- Library/Information Resource Service Specialist Senior
Find Library series job openings
- Go to
- Click “External Applicants”
- Under “Agency”, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Department”
- Under Job Family, on the left side of the page, click “Library-Info Resource Careers” (if available).
- If “Library-Info Resource Careers” is not an option, use the keyword search to find other opportunities. Keep checking back, our positions change daily!
As a photographer your goal is to assist with MnDOT’s photography needs. In this role you are responsible for all phases involved in taking and editing photos.
Jobs in the Photography series
- Photographer
Find Photography job openings
- Go to
- Click “External Applicants”
- Under “Agency”, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Department”
- Under Job Family, on the left side of the page, click “Printing-Graphic Arts Careers” (if available).
- If “Printing-Graphic Arts Careers” is not an option, use the keyword search to find other opportunities. Keep checking back, our positions change daily!
Reprographic specialists provide the highest quality duplicating and imaging services and use the most modern equipment, materials and processes.
Jobs in the Printing series
- Reprographic Specialist
Find Printing series job openings
- Go to
- Click “External Applicants”
- Under “Agency”, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Department”
- Under Job Family, on the left side of the page, click “Printing-Graphics Arts Careers” (if available).
- If “Printing-Graphic Arts Careers” is not an option, use the keyword search to find other opportunities. Keep checking back, our positions change daily!
Supervisors in the communications area focus on overseeing staff and serve as technical experts in communications specialty areas.
Supervisory jobs
- Library/Information Resource Service Program Director
- Information Officer 4
Find supervisory job openings
- Go to
- Click “External Applicants”
- Under “Agency”, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Department”
- Under Job Family, on the left side of the page, click “Library-Info Resource Careers” or “Printing-Graphics Arts Careers” or “Public Relations-Mrktg Careers” (if available).
- If “Library-Info Resource Careers” or “Printing-Graphics Arts Careers” or “Public Relations-Mrktg Careers” are not options, use the keyword search to find other opportunities. Keep checking back, our positions change daily!