Documents to incorporate into a proposal or contract
The following prevailing wage-related documents must be incorporated into a state-aid and/or federal-aid construction proposal and contract and apply to all contractors performing work under the contract. The prime contractor must provide copies of these documents to all subcontractors that perform work under a contract. These documents are specific to the state and/or federal prevailing wage regulations.
Provisions and specification documents by funding source

State funded only
- State Funded only Construction Contracts Special Division A (PDF)
- Debarment/Suspension Notice (PDF)
- State Highway & Heavy Wage Decision - The contracting agency shall incorporate the applicable highway and heavy wage decision(s) into a contract for the construction or maintenance of highways, or other public works and includes roads, highways, streets, airport runways, bridges, power plants, dams and utilities. Furthermore, the contracting authority shall incorporate pursuant to the following wage determination and truck rental rate requirements (PDF).
- State Commercial Wage Decision - The contracting agency shall incorporate the commercial wage decision(s) into a contract for all building construction projects exclusive of residential construction.
- State Truck Rental Rate Decision - The contracting agency shall incorporate the applicable truck rental rate decision(s) into a contract for the construction or maintenance of highways, or other public works and includes roads, highways, streets, airport runways, bridges, power plants, dams and utilities. Furthermore, the contracting agency shall incorporate pursuant to the following wage determination and truck rental rate requirements (PDF).

Federal funded only
- Federally Funded only Construction Contracts Special Division A (PDF) - The contracting agency shall incorporate these provisions into federal-aid "ONLY" contracts. Contracting agencies that may utilize these provisions include, but are not limited to the following: MnDOT Office of Aeronautics, MnDOT Office of Environmental Services and MnDOT Office of Freight, Railroads and Waterways. Please note: These provisions are NOT applicable to federal-aid contracts that include state funds such as: DCP (Delegated Contract Process) projects for local contracting agencies.
- Required Contract Provisions, Federal-Aid Construction Contracts, Form-1273 (PDF)
- Debarment/Suspension Notice (PDF)
- Traffic Control Notice (PDF)
- Federal Wage Decision - The contracting agency shall incorporate the applicable federal wage decision(s) into a contract proposal pursuant to the following wage determination and truck rental rate requirements (PDF).

Federal and state funded
- Fed State Funded construction Contracts Special Division A (PDF)
- Required Contract Provisions, Federal-Aid Construction Contracts, Form-1273 (PDF)
- Debarment/Suspension Notice (PDF) - For contract administration purposes, the Minnesota Department of Administration, Material Management Division provides a master list of contractors currently suspended or debarred, or have a suspension or debarment end date within the past three years. In addition, a database list of contractors/vendors currently suspended or debarred (PDF) by the federal government is also available.
- Traffic Control Notice (PDF)
- Federal Wage Decision - The contracting agency shall incorporate the applicable federal wage decision(s) into a contract proposal pursuant to the following wage determination and truck rental rate requirements (PDF).
- State Highway & Heavy Wage Decision - The contracting agency shall incorporate the applicable highway and heavy wage decision(s) into a contract for the construction or maintenance of highways, or other public works and includes roads, highways, streets, airport runways, bridges, power plants, dams and utilities. Furthermore, the contracting authority shall incorporate pursuant to the following wage determination and truck rental rate requirements (PDF).
- State Commercial Wage Decision - The contracting agency shall incorporate the commercial wage decision(s) into a contract for all building construction projects exclusive of residential construction.
- State Truck Rental Rate Decision - The contracting agency shall incorporate the applicable truck rental rate decision(s) into a contract for the construction or maintenance of highways, or other public works and includes roads, highways, streets, airport runways, bridges, power plants, dams and utilities. Furthermore, the contracting agency shall incorporate pursuant to the following wage determination and truck rental rate requirements (PDF).