Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Corridors of Commerce

Corridors of Commerce | History

Corridors of Commerce program history

Since 2013, the Corridors of Commerce program has funded more than $1.5 billion in trunk highway improvements across Minnesota.

Corridors of Commerce funding overview

There were no funding opportunities in 2016, 2019, 2020, and 2022. Funding was combined for two years in 2021 and 2023. In 2023 and 2024, only construction projects; Readiness Advancement activiities were yet to be solicited. In 2024, funds were directed to previously award projects. Amounts exlude project funding from other sources.

Year Previous Year Funding Trunk Highway Bonds Trunk Highway Funds Total Funding Project Readiness Activities No. of Projects
2013 $0 $300,000,000 $0 $300,000,000 $0 11
2014 $0 $0 $6,500,000 $6,500,000 $0 4
2015 $0 $0 $25,000,000 $25,000,000 $0 12
2017 $0 $300,000,000 $125,000,000 $425,000,000 $0 4
2018 $0 $400,000,000 $25,000,000 $425,000,000 $0 3
2021 $0 $200,000,000 $50,000,000 $250,000,000 $0 0
2023 $250,000,000 $153,000,000 $0 $403,000,000 $22,000,000 8
2024 $0 $15,000,000 $0 $0 $0 N/A
Total $250,000,000 $1,368,000,000 $231,500,000 $1,584,500,000 $22,000,000 42

Project history

District Route Project description Corridors of Commerce funding Project status
District 1 Hwy 169 Lane expansion in Itasca County $7,900,000 Complete
District 2 Hwy 2 Passing lanes between Cass Lake and Deer River $13,910,000 Complete
District 3 I-94 Auxiliary lanes from Rogers to St. Michael $31,300,000 Complete
District 4 Hwy 34 Passing lanes between Detroit Lakes and Nevis $8,612,000 Complete
Metro District Hwy 610 Freeway completion to I-94 $80,300,000 Complete
Metro District I-694 Reconstruction and lane expansion in Arden Hills and Little Canada $38,800,000 Complete
District 6 Hwy 14 Lane expansion near Owatonna $12,100,000 Complete
District 7 Hwy 14 Lane expansion from Nicollet to North Mankato; Nicollet bypass $34,700,000 Complete
District 8 Hwy 23 Passing lanes between Willmar and I-90 $8,686,000 Complete
District 3 Hwy 371 Lane expansion from Nisswa to Jenkins $45,400,000 Complete
Metro District I-35W I-35W North MnPASS expansion $18,292,000 Complete

District Route Project description Corridors of Commerce funding Project status
District 6 Hwy 14 Purchase right of way for expansion between Dodge Center and Owatonna $1,500,000 Complete
District 8 and District 3 Hwy 23 Environmental work for expansion on two segments, from New London to Paynesville and from Paynesville to Richmond $1,500,000 Complete
District 4 Hwy 34 Center left turn lane in Detroit Lakes from Hwy 59 to CR 141 $1,900,000 Complete
District 1 Hwy 2 Reconstruct segment of roadway in Deer River $2,300,000 Complete

District Route Project description Corridors of Commerce funding Project status
District 7 Hwy 14/Hwy 15 Preliminary design work $700,000 Complete
Metro District and District 3 I-94 Design options for lane addition $1,400,000 Complete
District 2 Hwy 11 Design passing lanes $500,000 Complete
District 6 Hwy 14 Purchase right of way for expansion $7,300,000 Complete
District 8 and District 3 Hwy 23  Purchase right of way for expansion $800,000 Complete
District 4 and District 3 Hwy 34 Mill and overlay $3,000,000 Complete
Metro District Hwy 169 Design work for bridge replacement $1,500,000 Complete
Metro District I-35W Design work $5,500,000 Complete
Metro District I-35W Design work for MnPASS system $1,100,000 Complete
Metro District Hwy 65  Design work for bridge deck replacement $1,000,000 Complete
Metro District I-94  Design work for new pavement, bridges, and managed lanes $2,000,000 Complete
Metro District Hwy 51 Added funding for reconstruction (Snelling Ave) $1,400,000 Complete

District Route Project description Corridors of Commerce funding Total score Project status
District 3 I-94 Add an auxiliary lane from St. Michael (Trunk Hwy 241) to Albertville (Country Road 37). $60,000,000  580 Complete
Metro District I-494 Add MnPASS lanes in both directions from France Avenue to Hwy 77 eastbound and from Hwy 77 to I-35W westbound $134,000,000 660 Under construction
Metro District I-494/I-35W Complete Phase 1 of the I-494/I-35W turbine interchange, northbound to westbound directional ramp. Project has been combined with I-494 project above. $70,000,000 655 Under construction
District 3 Hwy 169 Convert Hwy 169 to a freeway in Elk River, from Hwy 101 to 197th Avenue $157,000,000 600 Under construction

District Route Project description Corridors of Commerce funding Total score Project status
District 6 Hwy 14 Expand Hwy 14 from two lanes to four lanes between Owatonna and Dodge Center, completing a continuous four-lane roadway between I-35 and Rochester. $138,000,000 525 Complete
District 3 and District 8 Hwy 23 Complete two gaps (New London to Paynesville – South Gap and Paynesville to Richmond – North Gap) to create a continuous four-lane roadway from Willmar to St. Cloud.  $95,000,000 520 Complete
Metro District Hwy 252/I-94 Convert to a freeway and add MnPASS lanes from Dowling to Hwy 610. $119,000,000 645 In Design

District Route Project description Corridors of Commerce funding Total score Project status
Metro District Hwy 10 Lane expansion Highway 10 in Coon Rapids from CSAH 78 to CSAH 9 $8,000,000 605 In Design
Metro District Hwy 13 Grade separation Highway 13 in Savage/Burnsville from Quentin Avenue to Nicollet Avenue $96,000,000 640 In Design
Metro District Hwy 65 Grade separation Highway 65 in Blaine from 103rd Avenue to 117th Avenue $30,000,000 560 In Design
District 1 Hwy 53 Roadway improvements to Highway 53 from Eveleth to Virginia $18,000,000 415 In Design
District 3 I-94 Lane expansion on I-94 from Albertville to Monticello $78,000,000 735 Under Construction
District 3 Hwy 371/Hwy 210 Construct grade separation in Baxter $58,000,000 465 In Design
District 6 Hwy 14 Construct grade separation in Byron/Rochester $60,000,000 440 In Design
District 8 Hwy 23/Hwy 9 Construct grade separation in New London $33,000,000 470 In Design