About this future project

MnDOT will improve Hwy 25 from Catlin St. in Buffalo to Kjellberg Ct. in south Monticello, Wright County. Work is scheduled for 2026.
MnDOT is in the process of developing the design plans for this project.
Summary of work
- Reconstruct the road surface from Catlin St. to north of Davidson Ave., includes shoulders and turn lanes
- Replace pipes and improve ditch drainage
- Improve to/from access on Hwy 25 at:
- U-turn south of Kjellberg Ct. (extend shoulder called a 'loon')
- South junction Wright Co. Rd. 131
- 55th St.
- Westridge Ct.
- 3rd Ave.
- Anderson Ave.
- Construct a roundabout at Hwy 25 and Co. Rd. 37
- Construct a roundabout at Catlin St. in Buffalo
- Latest news—March 2024: Wright County to construct a roundabout at Hwy 25 and Co. Rd. 113 in 2026
- Wright County to construct a roundabout at Hwy 25 and Co. Rd. 83/35th St. NE. in 2024 - Requires detour