Reconstruct, improve
MnDOT will reconstruct and improve two miles of Hwy 23 from the Rum River bridge to Mille Lacs Co. Rd. 2 (105th Ave.) in Milaca. Construction to begin in 2027.

Hwy 23 Milaca intersection accesses:
- Third Ave. SW (Milaca public schools) - roundabout
- Central Ave. (Co. Rd. 36) – roundabout
- First St. E – roundabout
- SB Hwy 169 – three-quarter
- NB Hwy 169 – roundabout
- 10th/110th Ave. SE – three-quarter
- 105th Ave. (Co. Rd. 2) – roundabout
Select map image to enlarge
Summary of work
- Reconstruct the road and update access from east of the Rum River Bridge to 105th Ave. (Mille Lacs Co. Rd. 2), includes adjacent entrances
- Remove signal and install roundabout at Hwy 23 and Central Ave. S (Mille Lacs Co. Rd. 36)
- Add new multi-use trail along the entire north side of the project corridor, includes new sidewalk from 3rd Ave. SW to 5th Ave.
Future impacts
Project will require detours. More details to become available closer to construction.