Stay connected during 2025-2027 construction
About this project
MnDOT will improve segments of Hwy 71/Jefferson St. and Hwy 29/Colfax Ave. S in Wadena.
Summary of work

Hwy 71
- Resurface Franklin Ave. S to Aldrich Ave. S and update sidewalks and approaches, includes signal systems at the Hwy 71 intersections of Hwy 29/Colfax Ave. S and remove/install overhead pedestrian flasher signals at Aldrich and Bryant Ave. S
- Reconstruct from Birch Ave. N and Elm Ave. N, includes underground city utilities and storm sewers
- Resurface (mill and overlay) from Elm Ave. N to half-mile north of Alfred St. N and replace or repair underground structures, includes a continuous center left-turn lane through Alfred St. and a proposed city trail
Hwy 29
- Resurface (mill and overlay) from the Otter Tail/Wadena county line to Hwy 71/Jefferson St. S
- Update pedestrian sidewalk and ramps
- Replace underground pipe, update storm water drainage