April 2, 2024 meeting information
Summary of work

This project on Hwy 246 from Rice Co. Rd. 26 in Nerstrand to Hwy 56 will extend the life of the road and provide a smoother ride.
Project work includes:
- Resurface the roadway with a new layer of asphalt
- Upgrade all guardrail
- Repair or replace over 20 culverts
Individuals not able to attend the meeting can review the information below. Please provide any comments or feedback to the project management team through the comments tab.
Details of the project can be viewed on the project layout map.
Anticipated project timeline
What to expect during construction
Hwy 246 will be closed to through traffic during construction, but people will still be able to access their homes and businesses. Travelers will be able to use Hwy 26, Hwy 60, and Hwy 56 as an alternative.
For more information, please visit the What to Expect During Construction exhibit for more details.
Guardrail replacement
Guardrail improvements are taking place on Hwy 246 between 420th St. and 430th St. These changes include:
- Replacing the guardrail on both sides
- Widening the shoulder on the eastern side by pushing the guardrail back 2ft
- Adding new rock behind the guardrail on both sides to prevent erosion
View the Guardrail Replacement exhibit for more details.
Local traffic access during construction
Ten culverts will be replaced along the project area. This process will happen in five phases with two culverts being replaced at a time.
The remaining culverts will be repaired or cleaned and not cause traffic impacts. The highway will be resurfaced once the culvert work is complete.
Local access will be maintained throughout construction, but access routes will change based on the construction phase. View the Local Traffic Access During Construction exhibits for more details.
MnDOT invites and encourages participation by all. If you need an ASL, a foreign language interpreter, or other reasonable accommodation, or need documents in an alternative format (such as braille or large print), please email your request to Janet Miller at ADArequest.dot@state.mn.us or call 651-366-4720.