Awards for MnDOT Library

MnDOT Library has received five awards for recent efforts to conduct a return on investment study and to promote its redesigned space, updated resources, and increased outreach efforts. The plaques are proudly displayed in the Library.
2014 Innovation in Action Award from the Special Libraries Association-Minnesota Chapter pictured* to the right.
This award recognized MnDOT Library staff and Kathleen Bedor of Law Library Consultants for their work on the 2013 MnDOT Library Valuation/Return on Investment (ROI) Study Findings report and overall project.
2014 Innovation Award from the Special Libraries Association-Transportation Division
The Innovation Award recognized Sheila Hatchell for her work on the 2013 MnDOT Library Valuation/Return on Investment (ROI) Study Findings report.
2012 John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award pictured* to the lower right
The John Cotton Dana Award recognized the "Moving Knowledge" campaign. Out of the 8 libraries selected for 2012, MnDOT Library was the only “special library.” View the booklet commemorating this award.
2011 Innovation in Action Award from the Special Libraries Association-Minnesota Chapter
The Innovation in Action Award recognized a project entitled "Extreme Makeover, Library Edition." This included a revitalization of the MnDOT Library space, staff's communications efforts and technology offerings.
2010 Award of Merit from the Minnesota Association of Government Communicators
This Award of Merit was in the Visual Design category to recognize MnDOT Library for posters and a banner. Modern Design Group and Law Library Consultants, Inc., assisted this effort.
*photo credit: David R. Gonzalez