Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Highway 252/I-94 Environmental Review

Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park and Minneapolis

Project Manager Newsletter

June 2024

Summer is here! I am writing the June PM Newsletter on a cloudy, humid day in between rain showers.  Hopefully we will get some sunny days with comfortable temperatures soon! 

This month, the Hwy 252/I-94 project officially hit the major milestone of entering the draft environmental impact statement on June 20. From here until the end of the environmental process, we will be evaluating data, with your help, to ultimately get to a shared vision for the Hwy 252/I-94 corridor. We have three phases to go through answering the following questions to get to the preferred solution:

  • Phase 1A: Should Hwy 252 go over or under the local roadways at each existing intersection?
  • Phase 1B: What access combination should be used on Hwy 252?
  • Phase 2: What mainline alternative should be used on Hwy 252/I-94?

We are really looking forward to getting out to the communities in July and August so that you all can help us in the decision-making process.  

Our first engagement opportunities will be with potentially affected property owners near each intersection as we would like to get their feedback first. Those meetings will take place on July 16, 23, 24, 29, and 31 with invitations coming very soon to those owners. In August, we will have community workshops to show the data to Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park. Stay tuned for those dates as they are being finalized. We will also be in Minneapolis in the fall for community visioning workshops.

I understand the stress and anxiety that may come to those whose properties may be impacted. This first phase considers the potential worst-case impacts and we will further refine them through design to reduce and minimize those impacts.

Thank you for continuing to be a part of this process and for your patience as I know it has taken a long time to get to this point! We still have a lot of work to do and will tackle it together. Please reach out if you have any questions!