
Funding for MnROAD comes from a combination of industry, the Local Road Research Board, Federal and state funds and other resources. These funds support the three main MnROAD functions:
MnROAD operations include testing and monitoring test cells, trafficking the low volume road, and maintaining the site and its instrumentation and data systems. Funding for operations mainly comes from the Local Road Research Board and MnDOT. Testing and monitoring costs can also be funded through research projects.
MnROAD research is a combination of projects that are specifically studying test cells at MnROAD, and many others that utilize MnROAD data as a component of their project.
MnROAD research funding comes from various sources, including the LRRB, MnDOT, FHWA, other states (through pooled fund projects) NCHRP, industry and SHRP.
Test Cell Construction
When an experiment is completed, cells are available for reconstruction, including pavement rehabilitation experiments. Funding for the design, construction and instrumentation of cells being reconstructed under phase two funding is a combination of industry, Local Road Research Board, Federal and state funds.
MnROAD Phase two is a program of pavement research tied to newly constructed test cells at MnROAD. TERRA initiated seven pooled fund projects as a foundation of the program. They focused on the strategic topics of Mechanistic Design, Preventive Maintenance and Rehabilitation, Recycled Materials and Surface Characteristics.
The funding for phase two including the research, test cell construction, and improvements in the data systems, includes funding and in-kind contributions from several industry partners, other states, the LRRB and FHWA and MnDOT.

Industry contributors to MnROAD Phase Two construction and research
- NRRI - Natural Resources Research Institute
- CTRE - Center for Transportation Research and Education (Iowa State University)
- ARM - Aggregate Ready Mix Association of Mn
- PNAAW- Professional Nutrients Applicators Association of Wisconsin
- ACPA - American Concrete Pavers Association
- PCA - Portland Cement Association
- Minnesota Grooving and Grinding Association
- Innophos
- Bloom Consultants