Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Approved/Qualified Products

Cement and blended cement sources

Updated 02/24/2025

Ash Grove Cement Company - A CRH Company

Cement Mill Type Reciprocity State MnDOT Standard Abbreviation
Ash Grove at Louisville, NE I/II NDOR ASGLONE
Ash Grove at Chanute, KS IL N/A ASGCHIL
Ash Grove at Mississauga,
Ash Grove at Canakkale,

Buzzi Unicem USA

Cement Mill Type Reciprocity State MnDOT Standard Abbreviation
Buzzi Unicem at Festus, MO I/II MoDOT BUUFEMO
Buzzi Unicem at Festus, MO IL MoDOT BUUFEIL
Buzzi Unicem at Cape Girardeau, MO IL MoDOT BUUCGIL

Central Plains Cement Company

Cement Mill Type Reciprocity State MnDOT Standard Abbreviation
Central Plains at Sugar Creek, MO IL MoDOT CEPSCIL
Central Plains EaglePave at Sugar Creek, MO IT MoDOT CEPSCIT
Central Plains at Sugar Creek, MO III MoDOT CEPSCMO3

Continental Cement Company

Cement Mill Type Reciprocity State MnDOT Standard Abbreviation
Continental at Davenport, IA IL IaDOT CONDAIL
Continental at Hannibal, MO IL MoDOT CONHAIL

GCC Dacotah Cement

Cement Mill Type Reciprocity State MnDOT Standard Abbreviation
GCC Dacotah at Rapid City, SD IL N/A DACRCIL
GCC Dacotah at Rapid City, SD III N/A DACRCSD3
GCC at Samalayuca, Chihuahua, Mexico I/II N/A GCCSCMX


Cement Mill Type Reciprocity State MnDOT Standard Abbreviation
Holcim at Alpena, MI IL MDOT LAFALIL
Holcim at Alpena, MI III MDOT LAFALMI3
Holcim at Portland, CO I/II N/A HOLPOCO
Holcim at Portland, CO IL N/A HOLPOIL
Holcim at Portland, CO III N/A HOLPOCO3
Holcim St. Genevieve at Bloomsdale, MO

Kosmos Cement Company

Cement Mill Type Reciprocity State MnDOT Standard Abbreviation
Kosmos at Louisville, KY IL N/A KOSLOIL


Cement Mill Type Reciprocity State MnDOT Standard Abbreviation
Lafarge at Exshaw, AB IL N/A LAFEXIL

Heidelberg Materials- formerly Lehigh

Cement Mill Type Reciprocity State MnDOT Standard Abbreviation
Heidelberg Materials at Bellingham,WA I/II N/A LEHBEWA
Heidelberg Materials at Delta, BC I/II N/A LEHDEBC
Heidelberg Materials at Edmonton, AB I/II N/A LEHEDAB
Heidelberg Materials at Logansport, IN I N/A LEHLOIN
Heidelberg EcoCemPLC at Mason City, IA IL IaDOT ECPMCIL
Heidelberg Materials at Mason City, IA III IaDOT LEHMCIA3
Heidelberg Materials at Mitchell, IN IL N/A LEHMIIL
Heidelberg Materials at Union Bridge, MD I N/A LEHUBMD
Heidelberg Materials at Leeds, AL I/II N/A LEHLEAL
Heidelberg Materials at Vissai, Ninh Bihn, Vietnam IL N/A LEVNBVIL


Cement Mill Type Reciprocity State MnDOT Standard Abbreviation
Ozinga at Nuh Cimento, Turkey I/II N/A OZNCTU
Ozinga at Nuh Cimento, Turkey IS N/A OZNCTUIS
Ozinga at Long Son, Vietnam I/II N/A OZLSVI
Ozinga CarbonSense at Long Son, Vietnam IS N/A OZCSLSIS

St. Lawrence Cement

Cement Mill Type Reciprocity State MnDOT Standard Abbreviation
St. Lawrence at Joliette,QC IL N/A STLJOIL
St. Lawrence at Joliette,QC I/II N/A STLJOQC

St. Marys Cement

Cement Mill Type Reciprocity State MnDOT Standard Abbreviation
St. Marys at Charlevoix, MI I/II MDOT STMCHMI
St. Marys Envirocem at Port-Daniel-Gascons, QC IL N/A STMPDGIL