Regional Development Organizations (RDOs)
Minnesota's twelve Regional Development Organizations (RDOs) are key partners in statewide transportation planning and programming. Each RDO works with MnDOT through an annual work program framework. This framework helps ensure statewide consistency while allowing for unique differences in regional transportation issues around Minnesota. Minnesota Statutes, sections 462.381 through 462.398 establish RDOs to facilitate intergovernmental cooperation and ensure the coordination of state, federal, and local planning efforts in their respective geographic areas.
There are twelve RDOs in Minnesota:

A map showing the 12 regional development areas in Minnesota, which follow county boundaries. View full-size RDO map.
- Region 1 Northwest Regional Development Commission (RDC)
- Warren, MN | 218-745-6733
- Region 2 Headwaters RDC
- Bemidji, MN | 218-444-4732
- Region 3 Arrowhead RDC
- Duluth, MN | 218-722-5545
- Region 4 West Central Initiative
- Fergus Falls, MN | 800-735-2239
- Region 5 Development Commission
- Staples, MN | 218-894-3233
- Region 6E Mid-Minnesota Development Commission
- Willmar, MN | 320-235-8504
- Region 6W Upper Minnesota Valley RDC
- Appleton, MN | 320-679-4065
- Region 7E East Central RDC
- Mora, MN | 320-679-4065
- Region 7W
- Contact MnDOT District 3 | 218-828-5779
- Region 8 Southwest RDC
- Slayton, MN | 507-836-8547
- Region 9 Development Commission
- Mankato, MN | 800-450-5643
- Region 10
- Contact MnDOT District 6 | 507-286-7595
Primary roles of an RDO:
- Area Transportation Partnership (ATP) coordination and technical assistance
- Assistance with statewide planning efforts
- Assistance with regional planning efforts
- Safe Routes to School (SRTS) planning