Launch Roadway Project Mapping Application

The Roadway Project Mapping Application (RPMA) references a frozen subset of LRS, which is the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) data that is sent to FHWA on an annual basis. Because this is the data used for FHWA to federally authorize funds on trunk highway projects, the underlying data for RPMA will be the last approved HPMS submittal by FHWA. All location data interactions for the life cycle of a construction project going into CHIMES must reference LRS data.
- RPMA should be used to determine the begin and end points of a project.
- RPMA should be used when segmentation of a project components is needed for the different federal fund types on a project as is required for federal authorization.
The data behind this application is static data from the most recent approved Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) data approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for use on federal authorized highway projects. The data is anywhere from 9 to 21 months older then the live data maintained by MnDOT in the Linear Reference System (LRS). The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) does not guarantee the accuracy or quality of the data or predictions contained within and makes no warranty - express or implied - with respect to the data or predictions contained within.
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