Payment process
State Aid agreement payment process
Federal aid agreement payment process
- Local Public Agency (LPA) prepares agreement payment request for eligible costs.
- Sample bill (Word)
- Backup documentation (see agreement for specific requirements)
- Invoices
- Timesheets, labor charges, equipment usage and rates, summary of charges
- Cancelled checks (right-of-way agreements only)
- Anything that documents the amount of funds spent for the project
- LPA signs the coversheet and sends packet to District State Aid Engineer (DSAE).
- DSAE reviews, signs, and dates coversheet. Forwards packet to SALT.
- SALT reviews agreement and billing documentation.
- Check date of authorization vs. date of billing and costs incurred
- Check documentation submitted
- Check type of work performed vs. project memo and agreement terms
- Check charges, addition, etc. of billing
- SALT requests payment on behalf of LPA from State Aid Finance.
- State Aid Finance pays or requests clarification and then pays when proper justification is received.
- If the request is a final payment, SALT will review and pay out the request amount minus any retainage to be held, per the agreement. This is typically 10 percent of the contract amount.
- SALT will then request a final audit which can take up to a couple of months.
- Any agreement project that is less than $50,000 in total contract value is exempt from the final audit process.
- When final audit process is complete, the retainage will be paid out in full.
Preaward audit
For Preliminary Engineering (PE) and Construction Engineering (CE) contracts which exceed $50,000, a preaward audit must be performed prior to the LPA signing the contract with the consultant providing services. See agreement overview process (PDF). Consult with Agreements Engineer.