Frequently Asked Questions

Once I complete the Bronze level, can I continue using my passport for the Silver or Gold levels?
- Yes, once a passport has been submitted and reviewed, it is returned to its owner and can be used to advance to the next level of the program.
Where at the airport do I find the stamp?
- At most of Minnesota's airports the stamp resides in the Arrival and Departure Building next to the weather computer or the visitor logbook.
I visited a Minnesota Airport and wasn't able to stamp my passport (couldn’t locate the stamp or stamp location was inaccessible). What do I do? You have 2 options:
- Insert the date you flew to that airport in the appropriate airport box in your Fly MN Airports Passport and take a photo of yourself in front of the airport sign or arrival/departure building.
- Upon completion of an award level, a MnDOT Aeronautics representative will stamp the appropriate airport box by verifying the flight in your logbook.
Contact by email the MnDOT - Aeronautics to report the unavailable stamp at