Transportation Asset Management System

TAMS is the department's new primary work management system for signals and lighting activities. Future expansion of the system will include traffic barriers, signs, drainage, pavement markings and more ancillary assets.
About TAMS
The TAMS project is led by a multi-disciplinary team in partnership with the Office of Maintenance and its stakeholders.
Why is TAMS needed?
MAP-21 triggered the department's strategic approach to asset management. By collecting data and better understanding the costs associated with work activities — particularly maintenance and operations — we can better budget for and plan maintenance and operations work. We will also be able to perform trade-off analysis and further refine the life cycle cost analysis for the Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP), ultimately becoming more fiscally responsible.
Furthermore, TAMS data will provide more accurate predictions and estimations of future infrastructure needs identified in the TAMP and Minnesota's State Highway Investment Plan (MnSHIP).
Which activities does TAMS affect?
The scope of TAMS currently includes MnDOT's signals and lighting management activities. The TAMS team determines the operations and asset maintenance activities affected.
What are the benefits of TAMS?
- Stores information such as asset inventories and condition assessments
- Captures all labor, equipment and material quantities and costs via work orders for maintenance and operations work activities
- Facilitates the tracking of damaged infrastructure for restitution
- Runs automated and custom reports
- Integrates with other MnDOT systems for materials and cost accounting (SWIFT), employees (SEMA4), equipment (M5), timesheets (RCA), reference materials (eDOCS), pavement condition data (Highway Pavement Management Application), and Oracle Business Intelligence and Georilla.
How is rollout occurring?
The first phase of TAMS implementation, the Signals and Lighting module, launched in August 2016.
The next steps, will be to implement the Maintenance and Signs modules. Both modules are for assets such as signing, traffic barrier systems, hydraulic and drainage structures, noise barriers, pavement management, pavement markings, pedestrian infrastructure, earth retaining systems and more. For the Sign module, TAMS will interface with SignCAD. For the Maintenance module, it will interface with the Highway Pavement Management Application.
These steps will lead to the retirement of existing MnDOT databases Hydinfra, Signtrack and Damage Restitution.
Who is the TAMS vendor?
MnDOT contracted with Austin, TX-based AgileAssets to install and configure the software and to design and build its integration capabilities.
How will TAMS change our work?
TAMS will most likely alter current business processes to establish a more standard, systematic approach. It will bring about the daily tracking of work activities using TAMS Work Requests and Work Orders.
Where can I get TAMS support?
As TAMS is implemented, user training will be offered and multiple opportunities will collect stakeholder input on design and setup. The Asset Management Project Office will lead TAMS-related projects and be available for support during and after the TAMS transition.