Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 371 Urban Reconstruct


Corridor study in Hackensack

Study details

In 2019 MnDOT began an in-depth study with local stakeholders of Highway 371 in Hackensack to better understand the current and future transportation needs of the region. The study focused on improving safety for motorists, residents and visitors along the corridor between County Road 5 and County Road 40. In collaboration with stakeholder input the project will focus on:

  • Resurfacing Highway 371 in Hackensack between Cass County Road 5 and County Road 40
  • Reconfigure the urban portion to a 3-lane section (adding a center turn lane) with parallel parking on both sides
  • Construct 6-foot sidewalks with curb and gutter on each side throughout the downtown area
  • Reconstruct the CR 5 intersection with a roundabout

Visualizing a new corridor

In 2025, MnDOT will reconstruct Highway 371 in Hackensack with a three-lane section through town which will include a center-turn lane, with additional sidewalks and parallel parking on both sides of the road.

3-lane section

A reconstructed Highway 371 will include a three-lane section through town which will include a center-turn lane, with additional sidewalks and parallel parking on both sides of the road.

visualization of three-lane section

graphic of three-lane section


The intersection of Highway 371 and County Road 5 will be reconstructed with a roundabout. It will allow for First Street North and CR 5 to square up with Hwy 371 in a much safer manner. The roundabout will also slow traffic down, make the intersection more predictable for turning traffic and is designed to accommodate all of the traffic that uses the corridor now, including trucks, trailers and campers.

Image of roundabout at county road 5

Image of Highway 371 project limits

Community Collaboration

Our team has been engaging with the Hackensack community to gather input that will help our project team create a vision for Hwy 371. Our recent engagement efforts are below. We will continue to engage the community and business owners throughout the project.

What we heard from you

Pie chart of sidewalk preferences
Sidewalks on both sides of the road
  • 70% positive, 18% negative, 12% neutral
Themes and insights
  • Negative feelings: Not needed on both sides; walkers use Paul Bunyan; unnecessary expense
  • Positive feelings: Traffic is important to support local businesses. Do not like how dangerous it is to walk along Hwy 371 through Hackensack or cross the highway. Traffic does not slow down enough and there is nowhere for pedestrians to walk safely
Parallel parking on both sides of the road
Pie chart of sidewalk preferences
  • 51% positive, 24% negative, 25% neutral
Themes and insights
  • Negative feelings: Poor large truck/trailer access, parallel design limits parking
  • Positive feelings: Need spaces on both sides, convenient both directions, promotes development
Roundabout at Hwy 371/CR 5
Pie chart of sidewalk preferences
  • 49% positive, 40% negative, 11% neutral
Themes and insights
  • Negative feelings: Strongly dislike roundabouts; concerns about impact on Swanson's Bait & Tackle
  • Positive feelings: Safer than current design; slows traffic down; keeps traffic moving

Stakeholder Advisory Committee

In order to work more collaboratively with the community, MnDOT sought out community leaders and volunteers to work directly with project staff in order to develop and evaluate different project alternatives. This panel consisted of a diverse cross-section of community representatives that met regularly in order to study the project details in depth and will help to define the vision for the corridor.

  • Along with learning more about traffic safety/engineering concepts, they:
    • Took a more in depth look at the current issue's
    • Prioritized community needs and preferences
    • Developed and research possible solutions
    • Cultivated and represent community members input
    • Evaluated preferred alternatives

Corridor design

Using the conclusions from the Stakeholder Advisory Committee, business interviews, in-person events, along with the additional input provided by community members and stakeholders, the 3-lane section was selected for further review and development.

The concept includes one lane in each direction, a center turn lane, sidewalks, and parallel parking on both sides of the street throughout the downtown area. It will enhance mobility and safety for all users, while also staying within the existing MnDOT right-of-way.


MnDOT and its partners have committed to work with the Hackensack community to ensure that the community’s concerns and aspirations are directly reflected in the alternatives developed as part of the Highway 371 Study and to provide feedback on how the community influenced recommendations and decisions.