2024 Construction

Summary of work
Construct a roundabout on Highway 75 at County 21 north of Crookston.
This partnership project is being led by Polk County.
Safety Improvement
- A roundabout will increase motorist safety as this intersection consistently experiences higher crash rates. When complete the project will:
- Re-align the intersection so drivers are no longer approaching at an angle. This will increase the field of vision for approaching motorists.
- Slowdown traffic speeds for all vehicles driving through the intersection. If a car were to crash, all of the vehicles involved would be traveling at significantly lower speeds which decreases the severity of the crash.
- Increase efficiency for traffic on County 21. It will be easier, and safer, for these vehicles to cross or get onto Hwy 75.
- Install intersection lighting
Learn more about roundabouts in Minnesota
Traffic Impacts
- Detour