Project complete
In 2024, MnDOT constructed a J-turn at the intersection of Highway 10 and Otter Tail County Road 60 to address safety and improve access. A J-turn is a type of reduced conflict intersection (RCI). It converts side street thru-travel and left-turn movements into right turns, followed by a U-turn. At the Highway 10/County Road 60 intersection, side street left turns and thru-movements have been the most common generator of serious crashes.
In 2021, the public was invited to vote on the design of the J-turn. MnDOT will implement the public’s preferred design option: a restricted crossing U-turn (RCUT), where the center median remains open for Highway 10 traffic to turn left onto County Road 60.

Hwy 10 and CR 60 before construction
Hwy 10 and CR 60 after construction