Study details

MnDOT is studying the Highway 78 corridor from Highway 10 near Perham through downtown Ottertail and along Otter Tail Lake. The study will evaluate the needs and safety of both motorized and non-motorized users, including an evaluation of intersection safety and pedestrian connections and accessibility. The corridor is used by approximately 4,600 vehicles every day. The corridor is also heavily used by pedestrians and bicyclists to access local businesses, areas along the lake, and for recreational purposes. Currently, there are only limited areas with non-motorized trails, or adjacent parallel, low volume roadways. This includes between Highway 108 and County Road 1 in Otter Tail County. There is no pedestrian trail connection south of the city of Ottertail to the boat launch or destinations along Otter Tail Lake.
The purpose of the study is to consider pedestrian usage and safety, and identify connections for pedestrians and bicyclists to safely travel along and across the corridor.