About this project

Summary of work
The construction of the Hwy 61 bridge and new left turn lanes started April 8, 2024 and it was completed in November.
The MnDOT contractor will return to the site in the spring of 2025 or early summer to place the final layer of pavement and permanent striping.
Hwy 61 bridge construction
A new bridge was built over the Canadian Pacific (CP) Railway at the south end of Red Wing. The original bridge was built in 1955. The new bridge was constructed north of the existing one, allowing traffic to be maintained during construction.
The Mississippi River Trail (MRT) runs along the shoulders of Hwy 61 in this location. The new bridge includes wider shoulders to better accommodate MRT users, as well as provide the appropriate clearance for trains using the CP rail line.
Left turn lane construction
New left turn lanes were constructed to provide safer access at nearby intersections and commercial driveways at these locations:
- The Hwy 61/Golf Links Dr. intersection shifted roughly 500 feet to the northwest to allow for a new left turn lane to be constructed without impacting the bridge.
- A new left turn lane was constructed at the Wylie Wilson Trucking entrance.
- A new continuous left turn lane provides a turn lane for the USG and Cemstone entrances.