About this project
Summary of work
In 2024 and 2025, MnDOT will replace four older traffic signals in Albert Lea and Faribault. These signals are reaching the end of their useful life and need replacement. At some intersections, MnDOT will also make ADA improvements and changes to vehicle turning and through movements to increase intersection safety.

2024 projects
Work is completed in Albert Lea.
- Hwy 65 (S. Broadway Ave.) and Front St. in Albert Lea
- Replaced signal
- ADA improvements
- The S. Broadway Ave. and Margaretha Ave. signal in Albert Lea was initially a part of this project. After a second look, it does not need to be replaced. Only ADA work occurred at this intersection.

Work is completed at the following location in Faribault.
- Hwy 21 (Lyndale Ave.) and 7th St. NW in Faribault
- View image of changes
- Replaced signal
- Expanded westbound 7th St. NW to include left and right turn lanes
- Converted 7th St. NW eastbound to a left turn and thru/right lanes
- Added pedestrian crossings on the east and north approaches
- ADA improvements
2025 projects
- Hwy 60 and Western Ave. in Faribault
- View image of changes
- Replace signal
- Expand Western Ave. southbound to include left and right turn lanes
- Convert Western Ave. northbound to a left turn and thru/right lanes.
- Add pedestrian crossings on south, west, and north approaches
- Upgrade median
- ADA improvements
- Hwy 60 (1st Ave. NE) and 3rd St. NE in Faribault
- View image of changes
- Replace signal
- Convert Hwy 60 from a 4-lane to a 3-lane
- Add pedestrian crossing on the south approach at 2nd St./Heritage Pl.
- ADA improvements