About this project

This project is complete, except for seal coats and permanent striping.
Summary of MnDOT work
- MnDOT resurfaced (mill, full-depth reclamation and overlay) Hwy 15 from the intersection of Hwy 12 in Dassel to the Meeker/Stearns County line near Kimball.
- Guardrail near the Kingston bridge was replaced to bring it into compliance.
- Thirty (30) culverts were lined along the project area and three culverts were replaced.
- This project required a detour (see map).
- A chip seal and permanent striping is being applied to the new pavement in May 2024.
Project update
Sep. 6, 2024
- Chip and fog seal applications are complete and temporary striping has been applied to the roadway.
- Work is paused until the seal coat applications cure and permanent striping operations can begin, which is tentatively scheduled for early fall.