Study complete
About this study

Hwy 61 study location map.
The goal of this pre-scoping assessment was to evaluate Hwy 61 through Hastings for all modes and all users including operations, safety, and stakeholder needs. Now that the issues and concerns have been heard, potential alternatives were evaluated to help create a new vision for Hwy 61 in Hastings.
The study builds on previous studies in this area by MnDOT and the City of Hastings.
Construction is anticipated to begin in spring 2027. More details about the project will be added as details become available. Sign up for email updates on this project if you would like to stay informed about upcoming construction.
Summary of work
The purpose of the study was to provide the State with alternatives associated with improving the safety and mobility of Hwy 61. These services are necessary to understand the current issues, determine potential solutions to address those needs, and evaluate those solutions.
View the Hwy 61 Hastings study executive summary (PDF). A final study report was completed in June 2024. If you would like to recieve a copy, please contact us.
Next steps
The City and State continue to apply for grants and other opportunities to help fully fund the project. To date, the project has received approximately $10 million in Regional Solicitation and TED (Transportation Economic Development Program) funding. Combined with the State set-aside of $10 million, the construction is 2/3 funded. In addition to working on the funding, the State is moving forward with a consultant contract to complete preliminary and final design work. This work will kick off in spring/summer 2025 and include additional outreach opportunities for the public to learn about the project.