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St. Anthony Parkway Bridge over BNSF rail yard, City of Minneapolis |
The design solution consisted of a 27-degree skew 305-foot weathering steel load path redundant Warren truss structure with a post-tensioned concrete lower chord, and two 126’-9”conventional steel girder approach spans. The substructures consist of solid wall piers supported on spread footings and steel H-pile supported abutments. Due to the complexities of the site which included crossing over one of Burlington Northern Sante Fe Railroad’s (BNSF) most heavily-used railyards in the midwest, removal and erection operations used an innovative launching system. The launching system was sized for the roughly 800-ton new truss span, but was first utilized to remove the two existing most western steel trusses including their concrete deck system over the BNSF’s main line tracks. |
Old Cedar Avenue Pedestrian Bridge over Long Meadow Lake, City of Bloomington |
The rehabilitation restored the 5 -span Camelback through Truss bridge for pedestrian and bicycle use. Using an adjacent, temporary support system, the trusses were lifted off the piers and abutments so steel members could be repaired and restored to their historic appearance truss members bent by previous vehicle collisions were heat-straightened. The timber deck was replaced with a concrete deck. New code-compliant railings were installed. |
Franklin Avenue Bridge over the Mississippi River, Hennepin County |
The historic Franklin Avenue Bridge built in 1923 and rehabilitated in 1970, is a 1050-foot-long, Five span open-spandrel concrete deck arch structure crossing over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis. An Accelerated Bride Construction technique using Pre-Fabricated Bridge Elements, Ultra High Performance Concrete and Pre-Mixed Polymer Concrete were utilized to replace the bridge deck and spandrel cap beams in 116 days under full closure. |
Roosevelt Bridge |
The Roosevelt Bridge is a two-span barrel-arch structure comprised of reinforced-concrete arches constructed on stone masonry foundations with stone headwalls. The bridge has a concrete deck with a sidewalk and curb on each side. In 2011 Mower County began rehabilitating the Roosevelt Bridge, and work was completed in the spring of 2014. |
Washington County Bridge (Bridge 82534) |
The bridge is located on a State Preservation Route Highway (CSAH 21). The contractor was Minnowa. |
Itasca County Bridge (Bridge 31565) |
Structure type is a haunched concrete slab with a timber railing. |
Highland Street Bridge (Bridge 69A18) |
The Highland Street Bridge is located in St. Louis County. The bridge was constructed using 96” prestressed concrete beams which is a record long single span of 179 feet for PCB’s. |
Cass County Bridge (Bridge 11529) |
Located on CSAH 8 in Cas County, the bridge is in a remote rural location crossing the Boy River. The closest concrete plant is located in Grand Rapids, 35 miles away. This project began in the fall of 2013 and was completed in July of 2014. |
Swayback Bridge |
Built 1938 by the Works Progress Administration. Ramsey Park’s Swayback Bridge is the only known bridge to be built using the design of a reversed arch, with its lowest section in the middle of the span.
In the spring of 2009, the Ramsey Park swayback bridge was damaged by a melting icepack rushing down the river. In June 2014 the bridge repair was completed and included: new concrete bridge deck, replacement of deteriorated tuck pointing and missing stones.
Geo-synthetic Reinforced Bridge |
The first ever Geo-synthetic Reinforced earth abutment bridge was constructed in Rock County in 2014. The GRS abutment system is 22 feet tall and is composed of alternating layers of geo-synthetic fabric with backfill in 4- to 8-inch layers.
Kost Dam Bridge |
The Kost Dam Bridge over the Sunrise River in Sunrise Township is
Minnesota’s longest span 3-sided bridge structure was constructed in 2014.
The bridge spans 60 feet and is supported on a steel pile foundation.
This innovative bridge structure replaced the existing 1925 low steel truss bridge. The bridge system is considered a buried structure which allows for rapid installation resulting in reduced overall project costs, delays and detours. It also includes a precast concrete modular arch system, headwalls and wing walls.
Large Precast Box Culvert Bridge over the Sandy River in Aitkin County |
The structure is 20’ W x 8’ H which exceeds the maximum span of 16 feet covered by the MnDOT standard culvert design tables.
A set of twin boxes was not desired at this location, so a large single box structure was chosen with the intent of maintaining the full waterway opening across the entire width of the box.
Maintenance will be the same as for all precast box culvert structures, with the exception of less debris and sediment collection, as well as less cleanout needed in comparison to a multi-barrel culvert.
Plymouth Avenue Bridge over the Mississippi River |
The Plymouth Avenue Bridge opened in 1983. The bridge is Minnesota’s first segmental post-tensioned concrete box girder bridge. In 2010, the City of Minneapolis closed the bridge as a safety precaution after discovery of internal corroded bridge tendons. The corrosion was a result of leaking internal deck drains.
A specialized consultant was hired to evaluate the problem. In July 2012 bridge repairs began to fix the main bridge spans. The repair work involved removal and replacement of corrosion damaged concrete and post-tensioning tendons within the bottom slab of the box girders. The project was completed in August 2013, both east and west bound bridges have reopened to traffic.
Martin Olav Sabo Bridge |
The Sabo Bridge is the first true cable-stayed suspension bridge in Minnesota. Its main span passes 220 feet over Hiawatha Avenue, with the cable-stay tower rising 100 feet above the bridge-deck level.
The bridge opened in 2007, but on February 2012, the two longest support cables on the bridge were found detached and lying across the bridge deck. The failure was attributed to wind-induced cable vibrations. The engineering firm Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. was hired as the forensic engineer, designer and contractor for the retrofit and repairs. The repairs included retrofitting cable connection plates on the bridge, replacing cables that broke, and installed monitoring equipment to make sure the repairs continue working properly. After nearly a year of repairs, the Sabo Bridge reopened to traffic in November 2012.
Zumbrota Covered Bridge |
The only historic covered bridge in the State of Minnesota is over the Zumbro River in Zumbrota. |
Hennepin Avenue Suspension Bridge |
The fourth in a series of bridges at this location, the Hennepin Ave bridge is a recreation of the original wooden suspension bridge. |
Mazeppa Walking Bridge |
This turn-of-the-century truss structure is being restored and will be used as a bicycle/pedestrian bridge. |
Mazeppa Main Street Bridge |
This new bridge is just upstream of the Walking Bridge in the town of Mazeppa. |