Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and state highway projects

All MnDOT projects - both new construction and rehabilitation projects - must include evaluation to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Components can include, but are not limited to adding curb cuts, truncated domes and accessible pedestrian signals. Read about MnDOT's transition plan to comply with the ADA.
Specifics for this project
- Install ADA compliant curb ramps at Hwy 101 and:
- South Shore Dr. (north and south intersection)
- Twilight Trail
- Kurvers Point Rd.
- Cheyenne Trail
- Sandy Hook Rd.
- Choctaw Circle
- Fox Hollow Dr.
- Pleasantview Rd.
- Install accessible traffic signals at Hwy 101 and:
- Hwy 5
- West 78th St.