MnDOT celebrates improved safety, mobility and smoother travel as the 2024 construction season ends
ST. PAUL, Minn. – The Minnesota Department of Transportation is proud of the work construction crews completed or advanced this season on nearly 240 road and bridge projects across the state that will improve safe travel and multi-mobility options.
Smoother pavement, updated infrastructure, new bike and pedestrian pathways – these are just some of the improvements we completed to help make travel safer for all Minnesotans,” said MnDOT Commissioner Nancy Daubenberger. “We thank travelers for their patience during the construction season because you are a key player in keeping work zones safe. And, as we’re planning for next year’s construction projects, we encourage you to stay tuned into traffic impacts anticipated for 2025 and plan ahead for your travels.”
Major MnDOT projects completed or advanced in 2024
Twin Cities (MnDOT Metro District)
- Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis – Crews replaced hundreds of stone veneers, replaced mortar and more. Work began in spring 2024 will continue through 2026.
- I-494 in Edina, Bloomington, Richfield – Crews completed a new flyover bridge at the I-35W/I-494 interchange and opened it to motorists traveling from northbound I-35W to westbound I-494. Construction will continue in 2025.
- Highway 52 in Hampton – Crews completed this two-year project that resurfaced Highway 52 between County Road 42 in Rosemount and County Road 86 in Hampton to provide a smoother ride, improved drainage, and updated signs and guardrail.
- Highway 36 from I-35W in Roseville to Edgerton St. in Little Canada – Crews resurfaced nearly six miles of Highway 36, installed a new auxiliary lane from southbound I-35W to eastbound Highway 36, improved drainage and pedestrian/bicycle crossings and accessibility.
- Highway 51/Snelling Avenue, St. Paul – Construction projects on two stretches of Highway 51/Snelling Avenue in St. Paul enhanced safety, will help lessen congestion and improve pedestrian safety by installing a center median and left-turn lanes and more.
Northern Minnesota (MnDOT Districts 1 and 2)
- Highway 169 Chisholm to Mountain Iron – Crews resurfaced 16 miles of Highway 169 between Chisholm and Mountain Iron, and improved lighting and accessibility for pedestrians.
- Highway 61 Duluth to Two Harbors intersection improvements – Completed safety improvements at five intersections along Highway 61 between Duluth and Two Harbors including turn lanes, a J-turn intersection and improved lighting.
- Highway 11/313 Warroad reconstruction – Completed year one of a three-year project that will reconstruct or resurface Highways 11 and 313 through Warroad and improve safety and access. Crews will return in 2025 to complete the roundabout at Highway 11/313 and begin Highway 11 bridge construction.
- Highway 75, Perley – Completed the first year of a project to raise Highway 75 north and south of Perley and improve drainage, flood control and safety at the Highway 75/County Road 39 intersection.
- Highway 75 roundabout near Crookston – Completed a new roundabout to improve safety the Highway 75/County Road 21 intersection north of Crookston.
Central Minnesota (MnDOT Districts 3 and 4)
- Highway 169, Elk River – Completed a three-year Corridors of Commerce-funded project that converted three miles of Highway 169 through Elk River to a freeway. Crews constructed four new interchanges to improve traffic flow, safety and capacity, freeway lanes, adjacent city roads and sidewalks, utilities and underground infrastructure.
- Highways 10 and 23, St. Cloud – Crews completed the two-year Highway 10/Highway 23 interchange reconstruction project in east St. Cloud that also improved bridges and adjacent entrances.
- Highway 169, Aitkin – Completed a two-year project that reconstructed 11 miles of Highway 169 between Aitkin and north of Hassman. Crews also widened shoulders and replaced centerline culverts and box bridges.
- 11th Street underpass in Moorhead – Completed the first year of this three-year project to construct two underpasses under the BNSF rail lines in Moorhead.
- Highways 59 and 108 in Pelican Rapids – Completed year one of this two-year project to construct roundabouts at the junctions of Highway 59 and Highway 108, replacing city utilities downtown, and starting work on the shared-use path.
- Westbound I-94 Alexandria to Osakis – Completed 12 miles of concrete paving and replaced westbound bridges, guardrail and more. Crews will return in 2025 to replace the eastbound bridges.
Southeast Minnesota (MnDOT District 6)
- Interstate 35, Faribault – Completed a two-year project that resurfaced I-35 lanes through Faribault and reconstructed or repaired I-35 ramps.
- Highway 14, Dodge Center to Byron – Completed a new J-turn intersection in Dodge County, resurfaced six miles of Highway 14, repaired areas at the interchange bridge in Kasson and added high-tension cable median barrier.
- I-90 Austin bridges – Started a three-year project through the I-90 corridor in Austin. By the end of 2024, two bridges will be replaced and a third will be repaired.
- I-90/Highway 52 interchange reconstruction – Started a three-year project to replace two I-90 bridges, build a new flyover bridge and improve ramps. Work in year one included crossover lane construction, box culvert installation and preparation of flyover bridge abutments.
Southwest Minnesota (MnDOT District 7 and District 8)
- Highway 23 from New London to Paynesville – Expanded 16 miles of Highway 23 to four lanes as part of a two-year Corridors of Commerce project.
- Interstate 90, Blue Earth to Highway 169 south of Wells – Completed a two-year project that resurfaced 20 miles of road, repaired bridges and culverts, improved lighting and replaced pavement at two rest areas. The project also installed new “golden panels” on I-90 near Blue Earth in their original locations. The panels commemorate the 1978 completion of more than 3,000 miles of I-90.
- Highway 93, Henderson to Highway 169 – Completed the first year of a three-year project that will reconstruct and raise the highway approximately eight feet, putting it one foot above historic high-water events. Crews will also replace a bridge, and construct an additional overflow bridge.
- Highway 4, Sherburn to St. James and St. James to Sleepy Eye – Crews will soon complete resurfacing approximately 50 miles of roadway, bridge replacements, bridge repairs, and drainage improvements.
For a complete list of current and future MnDOT construction projects, including plans and studies, see
Learn about MnDOT’s highway construction project selection process.
For real-time travel information including current road conditions, road closures and traffic cams, visit or download the 511MN mobile phone app.

Hwy 11 Warroad: Completed year one of a three-year project that will reconstruct or resurface Highways 11 and 313 through Warroad and improve safety and access. Crews will return in 2025 to complete the roundabout at Highway 11/313 and begin Highway 11 bridge construction.

Hwy 75 roundabout north of Crookston: The project was led by Polk County to improve safety the Highway 75/County Road 21 intersection north of Crookston.