Engineering process | Final Design | Construction Plans and Specifications
Construction Plans and Specifications resources
- Standards
- Special Provisions
- Technical Memoranda
- Design Details (This content is available only from computers on MnDOT's internal network.)
- Guidance and Policy
- Accessibility
- Approved/Qualified Products
- Bicycling
- Bridges and Structures
- Cost Participation Policy
- Design-Build
- Design Flexibility (This content is available only from computers on MnDOT's internal network.)
- Design Scene A guidance document for designers, technicians and engineers to help them in their everyday work. Website also offers additional design guidance.
- Engineering Cost Data and Estimating
- Facility Design Guide
- Geometric Design
- Hydraulics
- Land Management Includes right of way acquisition, surveying and mapping, and utility agreements and permits.
- Materials and Road Research Includes geotechnical engineering, materials engineering, pavement engineering, and road research.
- Pedestrians
- Performance-Based Practical Design
- Project Delivery (This content is available only from computers on MnDOT's internal network.)
- Project Management (This content is available only from computers on MnDOT's internal network.) Includes cost estimating, risk, scoping, and P6, MnDOT’s scheduling tool.
- Right of Way: See Land Management
- Roadside Safety Design Guidance on longitudinal barriers, end terminals, and crash cushions.
- Traffic Engineering
- Utility agreements and permits
- Additional MnDOT Resources
- Airport influence maps Aviation safety, and safety of people and property on the ground, can be affected by construction near an airport. This site offers maps and spatial files showing areas influenced by the rules and regulations of Minnesota’s airports.
- Bridge State Aid
- Complete Streets
- Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) Resources and Data Standards Access to MnDOT’s agency-wide CADD resources and information for using MnDOT’s Bentley ProjectWise system to access project data.
- Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC) CMGC is an integrated approach to planning, designing and constructing a project. Owners, designers and contractors work collaboratively to develop the project scope, optimize the design, improve quality and manage cost.
- Cooperative Agreements (This content is available only from computers on MnDOT's internal network.)
- Cost Estimating (This content is available only from computers on MnDOT's internal network.)
- Environmental Stewardship Cultural resources, environmental assessment, environmental modeling and testing, environmental planning and design, environmental investigation, roadside vegetation, erosion control and stormwater management.
- eDOCS external internal Find maps, plats, permits, plans, survey records, and Commissioner’s Orders.
- Enterprise MnDOT Mapping Application (EMMA) Application providing statewide coverage of MnDOT's GIS Basemap data, including transportation features, boundaries, and waterways. Do not use EMMA to determine the begin and end points of a construction project; for this purpose use the Roadway Project Mapping Application (RPMA) instead.
- Georilla (GIS Map Viewer)
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Lane Closure Manual (Metro District)
- Metro Design Technical Guidance
- Municipal Separate Storm Water System (MS4)
- Negotiated Maintenance Contracts (This content is available only from computers on MnDOT's internal network.)
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations Through Work Zones
- Roadway Data Information about Minnesota’s roads from the Linear Referencing System (LRS) and Roadway Characteristics database. Includes the Construction Project Log, a visual history of trunk highway road construction and maintenance projects since the original construction of the highway, organized by county and control section.
- Roadway Project Mapping Application (RPMA) Use RPMA to determine the begin and end points of a project.
- Snow fences (living): Blowing and Drifting Snow Control
- State Aid for Local Transportation (SALT)
- State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) The STIP identifies the schedule and funding of transportation projects by state fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). It includes all state and local transportation projects with federal highway and/or federal transit funding along with 100% state-funded transportation projects. Rail and port projects are also included.
- Traffic Forecasting and Analysis
- Traffic Forecasting and Equivalent Single-Axle Loads (ESALs)
- Visualization Computer-generated renderings of proposed roadway designs, photo simulations and animations that aid project development and provide a valuable communication tool.